We all want things. A lot of things. But when it comes to making decisions we are suddenly not so sure about what we really want. Then we try to find the best solution for us. For us? Is that so? While making decisions we sometimes forget what we ourselves actually want. We try to do the right thing. But the right thing according to what is expected of us is not always the right thing for ourselves. However, it is us who have to live with the decisions we make. So we should make the right ones. For our own sake.
Ein englischsprachiges Projekt zum Thema Fremdbestimmung und darüber, wie wir heute unsere Entscheidungen treffen. Ganz persönlich mit privaten Geschichten erzählt. Emotional und am Rande der Wirklichkeit. Preisgebend und reflektierend. Und somit den Denkprozess des Lesers in Gang setzend.